This policy privacy aims to inform you about the rules and procedures adopted by Garrafeira Vinhas Velhas concerning the collected data when you browse the website and when you use the given functions, as well as inform you about the applicable security and confidentiality measures. Garrafeira Vinhas Velhas acknowledges the importance of protecting your personal data. Therefore, we have developed a set of security measures which aim to protect your data. It won´t be considered any personal data relating to people under the age of 18, as well as it won´t be considered any online order conducted by them.
The user, by registering or purchasing online, ensures to Garrafeira Vinhas Velhas his consent in using his personal data and address, as well as the referring data of the purchase and ways of payment. These data will be kept and processed by computer and it can be used to communication purposes which reinforce and customise the product offer, services, promotional or advertising campaigns or to order processing. The users/clients personal data of this website, will be treated in accordance with the Portuguese Comission of Data Protection.
The user has the right to the protection of his personal data. The Garrafeira Vinhas Velhas respects the right of the users to be informed about the collection and processing of their personal data.
By browsing the website, the user accepts and consents the collection and processing of the personal data by Garrafeira Vinhas Velhas, in accordance with the terms and conditions of the present policy privacy and for the indicated purpose. The user must read carefully this document and just browse and/or submit information through the website if in accordance with the respective terms.
Garrafeira Vinhas Velhas ensures that the personal data are treated in Portugal in a correct and licit way in accordance with good practice.
In the data treatment which can identify you personally, directly or indirectly, we apply the principle of strictly necessary. For this reason, this website was designed so that the use of your personal data is minimum and does not exceed the original purpose to which the data were collected and/or processed.
This policy privacy is aimed to give you all the information you need to understand our privacy practices. However, if you need any additional clarifications in relation to this privacy policy you can ask your questions through the email:
Garrafeira Vinhas Velhas is responsible for the website management and for the treatment of the collected data during your browsing, and it can consult third parties (subcontractors), which will act on behalf of Garrafeira Vinhas Velhas, being also obliged to put in practice the technical and organizational security measures according to the law.
In the context of your browsing on the website, Garrafeira Vinhas Velhas can collect and treat the following data categories to the following purposes:
a) When you purchase products which are sold in the website we collect your personal data in the purchase form (for example name, email address, date of birth, size, address, phone number), only for purchase purposes, separation and transport of goods ordered by you through the carrier Tartaruga Veloz.
b) When you record a delivery address, we collect your personal data to simplify the preparation of your future orders.
c) When you register on our website you accept the sending of commercial messages by electronic mail through Mailchimp and Mandrill services.
d) There will also be collected data regarding your usage of the website, for statistical purposes and to improve your usage experience, in particular your IP address, navigation behaviour through Hotjar tool, and other interaction data through Google Analytics and Facebook Pixel tools.
e) When you contact us via chat and/or whatsapp, the collected data (name, phone number) is only for purchase support or after-sales explanations.
f) In case you subscribe our newsletter with information about products and services from Garrafeira Vinhas Velhas, you will be asked your email address, which will only be used to send the newsletter through the platform Mailchimp. In case you associate an account login to your subscription, it will be collected the following personal data: IP address, first and last name;
g) When you choose to receive an automatic notification when the article you want is out of service, we will keep your email address, size and item chosen to inform you about our new stock through email.
In case there is any change in your personal data, we request you to inform us to the following email:
If not otherwise provided, your personal data won´t be shared with third parties for unauthorised purposes by law or without your explicit consent. Your personal data will only be communicated to third parties when it is necessary to process an order, namely:
- Electronic payment services, via credit or debit card through EuPago and PayPal platforms;
- Processing acquired products;
- Solving questions or doubts related to the purchases;
- Processing payments of the item purchased;
- Processing the return of the item.
Garrafeira Vinhas Velhas can have access to the personal data of third parties which are released by users of this website, for example, when a user buys an item which will be sent to a friend or when the user who pays the item is different from the one who receives the item.
In all the cases in which we have to disclose information about a third party, you should get his consent before you give us their personal data e inform them about our privacy policy. The user will be the only one responsible for the disclosure of the information and data about a third party, as well as any other illegal or inconsistent use of those data, in case it wasn´t provided its consent.
Any case involving the disclosure of sensitive/confidential data to Garrafeira vinhas Velhas, the user will be the only one responsible for the disclosure and illegal use of those data by third parties.
The user must be aware that, with the exception of that stated in the following point, the personal data that we request, including email address, address, credit or debit card number, and phone number, is necessary for us to process you order and to acquire the product purchased in this website, in order to follow the law obligations and applicable regulations or to provide other services in this website or ordered by you.
Therefore, the refusal in providing us personal data can prevent us from processing your order or to provide any other services from this website.
By not providing us your personal data, it can justify our refusal in processing your order of the purchased product in this website or in providing any other services.
The disclosure of your personal data beyond what it is necessary to accomplish the legal or contractual parameters or to provide the services requested by you is optional and it does not have any other effect on the use of this website or its services or purchases. We will inform you if your personal data are obligatory or optional, by marking with an asterisk (*) all the information which must be filled in. There won´t be any kind of penalty by not filling in the optional data.
You can, at any time, request a copy of your saved data through the email:
Your personal data can be disclosure to third parties who do specific services, as external entities hired by Garrafeira Vinhas Velhas, or that in an autonomus manner process the personal data collected by Garrafeira Vinhas Velhas and in connection with a contract compliance to purchase products in this website.
Any disclosure will be done, without exceeding the purpose for which your personal data were collected and further processed.
Furthermore, your personal data can be disclosure to third parties, to:
- Comply with applicable laws;
- Respond to governmental and legal inquiries;
- Be in accordance with the legal proceedings;
- Protect the rights or property of Garrafeira Vinhas Velhas.
In case there is any change in the corporate structure of Garrafeira Vinhas Velhas, including without limitation, by incorporation, merger, sale, liquidation, or by asset transfer, Garrafeira Vinhas Velhas might, by its exclusive criterion, transfer, sale or provide personal data collected through this website, including, without limitation personally identifiable information and aggregated information about the users, to one or more affiliated or non-affiliated.
In any case your personal data won´t be disclosured to third parties without informing you or without your consent, when it is required by law, except as provided in this document.
Garrafeira Vinhas Velhas as responsible for the website management, commits itself to pursue its best endeavours to ensure the privacy of the collected and/or available online data. The security and the privacy of the gathered data are aspects which are crucial to us, wherefore Garrafeira Vinhas Velhas is commited to protect the security of those data. For this purpose, it uses security procedures and technologies intended to protect the gathered data against unauthorized access or unauthorized disclosure. However, it is not possible for Garrafeira Vinhas Velhas to eliminate, in total, the risks related to their security.
The access to the collected data is limited to employees of Garrafeira Vinhas Velhas, to potential subcontractors and to third parties who may need the access to execute product supply and services to the user.
The access can be available to official authorities, if necessary, for compliance of legal or contractual obligation of Garrafeira Vinhas Velhas, namely when it is obliged by law or by any judicial order or by administrative nature, as long as it is entitled by a competent organ.
Garrafeira Vinhas Velhas warns you that the collected data in the website can, at the time of the data collection, circulate in the net without security conditions, taking the risk of being seen and used by unauthorized third parties.
Garrafeira Vinhas Velhas uses automatic systems of data collection as cookies. Cookies are small text files saved in the computer by the websites that are browsed, forming automatic information gathering related to the preferences of a user during his browsing to a specific webpage. Every time the user access to that website, those files are automatically activated to set up the website accordingly to the registered preferences in the previous browsing, allowing a faster and efficient browsing and eliminating the necessity of submitting the same information.
Garrafeira Vinhas velhas uses cookies in the website to provide a better browsing experience, simplifying and becoming more efficient the presentation of the website contents.
The most part of the browsing programs (browsers) automatically accept cookies and the user can accept, delete or reject the same, through the settings of each browser. The user can set up his browsing program in a way to prevent the creation of cookies or to warn him as soon as it happens. In case of not accepting the cookies, the browsing of the website is still possible, although the browsing experience can be highly affected.
The gathered and/or saved information by the used cookies in Garrafeira Vinhas Velhas is not intended to obtain the personal identification of the user, being only used to optimise its services and the website itself according to the necessities and preferences of the user and to personalize the webpages.
The acceptance of the automatic procedures of data collection and the use of cookies is necessary to enjoy the many offered resources and services through this website, including the purchase of the products. If you set up your browser to block or delete cookies, we can´t guarantee that you will have access to all the offered resources and services of this website.
You have the right to obtain, from Garrafeira Vinhas Velhas, at any time, the confirmation that your data are being processed, even though you are nor registered in the website, as well as the communication of those data in a perceptible way.
You have the right to be informed by Garrafeira Vinhas Velhas about the origin of the source that has transmitted your data, the purposes and the ways of personal data treatment, the underlying logic of the electronic processing of the data, information about external entities and the names of the themes and categories of the entities to whom your personal data can be disclosure or that can access your data. You can also find the above referred information in this privacy policy.
You have the right to obtain, at any time, from Garrafeira Vinhas Velhas:
a) The update, rectification or integration of your personal data;
b) The removal, anonymous transformation or the blocking of your personal data, which is treated as a law violation, including when the data saving is not necessary to the purposes to which they were collected and further processed.
c) The confirmation that the operations mentioned in paragraphs a) and b) were notified to whom the data were communicated or widespread, except when it is impossible to do it or if that means exceeding the protection of the rights it invokes.
You have the right to oppose, as a whole or in part:
a) For legitimate reasons, to your personal data processing, even if it is related to the purposes they were gathered;
b) To your personal data processing to advertising or direct marketing purposes or to sell products or to carry out market surveys or commercial communications.
You can freely exercise your rights at any time, as long as you do it according to the law and applicable regulations, sending your request to Garrafeira Vinhas Velhas through the following email:
The website can include links, directories and, inclusively, searching instruments that allow the user to access other websites, webpages or internet portals that fall under the responsibility of third parties (hereinafter, the “Linked Sites”).
This privacy policy refers exclusively to the browsing on the website and it does not apply to any kind of data processing occurred through the Linked Sites, in relation to whom Garrafeira Vinhas Velhas is entirely unrelated.
Garrafeira Vinhas Velhas reserves the right to alter this privacy policy, without the necessity of a previous communication to their users. Every time that Garrafeira Vinhas Velhas updates their privacy policy of the website, it will, immediately, be available, indicating the publication date.
The user must consult regularly this privacy policy, considering he accepts and agrees with the associated terms. In case of not agreeing with the alterations to the privacy policy, the user should not continue to browse on the website.
The present privacy policy is run in every aspect by the Portuguese law, in particular, by the Law 67/98, from 26th. October (Data Protection Law), and other applicable legislation.
In cases of disputes, the user accepts to submit to the exclusive jurisdiction of the Portuguese court.
Any clarification or comment to the present privacy policy should be addressed to Garrafeira Vinhas Velhas through the email address: